

I started my face book because one of international officer asked me to set up so that I could communicate with the students off the class. It is cool, fasionable. We have other social networking service in my country. It is named 'MIXI.' I do not know why the name is but it is really popular. Japanese mobile phone is differnet from Britain's. It enables us to look Internet. Thanks to this, we can see MIXI everywhere if you have mobile phone. So some people spend a lot of time using mobile phone. It is slightly different culture.
My facebook name is Hajime Shimakawa. So if you do facebook, please get in touch with me on it. I do not have still enough friend on it!!

Ann and her groundchild left my home today. I miss them. Because they are so good girls.

And this is good site for bibliography
this shows me how to cite from print and non-print sources.

2 件のコメント:

偷卫生纸的贼emily さんのコメント...

you make this PS-photo? That is really brilliant:)

HAJIME Shimakawa さんのコメント...

no, my housemate Jan gave me it!!
she is really good girl!!