From an article of the Observer I could find some collocations.
They put my cash in an A-rated firm. Turns out it was Lehman.
To go into=if an amount of time, money, or effort goes into a product or activity, it is used or spent creating that product or doing that activity.
Medium-term=medium-term outlook remains favorable.
To downgrade sth from A to B=to move someone or something from a more important position to a less important position.
From another article on the Observer there are also some useful collocations.
It’s not just the banks: Britain itself is looking sub-prime.
I could not find the link to see the article.
To be combined with sth=to become mixed or joined, or to mix or join things together.
To kick in=to start to be effective or to happen
From another article on Guardian ’Nearly one quarter of world's mammals face extinction, annual 'red list' reports’; the link is below.
I like this phrase; "As human beings, we should be ensuring that we don't cause other species to go extinct."
Vast numbers of sth
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