
9/Oct/08 self-study

For today’s homework and self-study I visited to TED.COM which has many range of presentation VIDEO and thought about what the good presentations are. I liked this presentation (http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/allison_hunt_gets_a_new_hip.html) which is made by Allison Hunt on the site. And I made notes about that.

a) What makes this talk funny?
The impressive thing is that she appeared on crutches. I am not sure it was really necessary for her to walk but it was absolutely successful to catch attentions of audiences.

b) Focus on their body language: what do they do with their eyes, hands, do they move around or stay still, facial expressions.
She used eye-contacts many times and they are turned to everyone, not to particular someone.
c) What kind of rapport do they have with the audience (if it's good, how do they create that rapport).
It was like that they are friends. She spoke alone but she confirmed if the audiences understood what she said.
d) Choose one thing they do that you like and would like to emulate (copy), and one thing that you don't think is that good.
I chose her repetition. She used it to make new information in her talk clear. It is similar to the phrase ‘in other words’.
e) How do they start the presentation; how do they get the audience's attention?

Her smiling face caught the audience. The first impression is quite important.

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