

I ate dinner with my host family and then we sung a song together. It is really fantastic time.
My host father is originally Turkish and his name is Haci which is similar to my name.
Moreover his Engish is very well. I have to learn English harder so that my English will be better.

What I did for my study today:
Unit 3 of Academic Vocabulary in use.
It was such a difficult unit for me that it took me a lot of time to do that.

The death penaltyshould be used to deal with murders...
Some people consider that death penalty is effective to publish people who killed someone

The police should take a tougher stance on dealing with younth crime...
It is generally agreed that the police need to have a more patient attitude to teenager's guilt.

Fast food should be banned in all school canteens...
A common viewpoint is that fast food is unhealty for all students.

University education should be free for all...
It is widely believed that students in college do not have to pay for their higher education.

Politicians are not doing enough to tackle global warming...
Recent research has suggested that politicians do not have enough effort to work on climate changes.

It is harder for women to succeed in business that it is for men ...
It is oten argued that women have more difficulties to win better positions in their companies than men.

The dangers of the Internet are greater than the benefits it brings...
Many people say that the disadvantages of the Intenet are bigger than advantage of it.

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