
Library and subject-based resources for your subject

As my self-study, today I had a look at the website that is recomennded by our textbook and contains that how to get the information relevant to our own subject area. The contents this website has would be probably mostly alredy known by university students, although some of them may be useful and practice and new tips for research and study in university. Here is some of them for visitors of my blog. I hope this is going to help your learning.

One of my intersting subjects is about companies that do social programmes for the environment with the aim at improving their impact on society. If I want to know about that kind of company in the UK, just go to the website of a group called "Business in the communities."

When you are looking for informaion for your research, it is supposed that you are perhas using just searching engines such as Gooogle or Yahoo. Plus, It is easily imagined that you can get information on everything but in most cases they give you too many results. If only one thing is done to avoid this situation, you would get more sophisticated results from that engines. That is to use the words "AND" or "OR" between the words which you are going to use to search for information.

Note that the Internet has not only reliable information but also dodgy information because any checks are not required to put information on it. So it is wise to be cautious when you use something from the Internet. On the other hand, books which are stored in the university library is reliable on the ground that they are checked at least three times; by authour, editor and librarian.



As my self-study, I looked at the websites about plagiarism which is recommended by our text book.

If I can explain plagiarism in the simplest way, don't copy what others have wrote to use it in your assessment. I am going tell you something good below to know for your work, which was not familiar to me when I did the exercise on the web page so maybe for you too.

  1. You will be given low mark in your assessment even if you plagiarise inadvertently.
  2. It is not enough that you just change the word in the original sentence to your own word.

And finally, when you take a note from a book, you need to make a reference to show that you get information from other person's writing. In order to make the bibliography and avoid plagiarism, here is a list which you need to include in it.

Name of Author
Year of Publication
Title of book
Name of publisher
Place of publication
Page reference

Name of Author
HTTP address
Date page accessed

That is all new what I have learnt today. I hope that this is going to be helpful for you and me.